Wednesday 14 September 2011


 Anti aging products help to slow down the signs of aging. Since time immemorial, man has tried to find the elixir of eternal youth, but to no avail. No one has been able to find the Fountain of Youth in the paradise of Shangri-La. These were myths that continued to fascinate generations of men. However, if you think that man's quest for eternal youth has been put to rest, just look at the shelves at the supermarket or any beauty product store, the elixirs have been replaced by different types of anti aging products!

As a step to young, there are different types of popular suggestions are there to make the skin look younger and healthy. It includes eating healthy food and drinking adequate water and getting enough sleep. Yes, these facts are true no doubts but in order to fight with the visible aging symbols anti aging products are recommended by dermatologist. In fact, if you are aware then you will come to know that there are different brands that are allotting funds and resources to make powerful anti aging products. The main aim of these anti aging products lies in retaining the lost moisture of skin and providing the skin with youthful look.

The anti aging products are designed to keep age at bay. They come in the form of creams, serums, lotions, and injections. The "age defying" creams, the "wrinkle free" creams, collagen treatment or the botox injections have one purpose-to control and reduce the appearance of wrinkles on our face.

Use a sunscreen every time you go out in the sun.The higher the SPF (Sun Protection Factor): the more effective the sunscreen. Do not use a sunscreen below SPF 15. Lotions and skin care products that contain AHAs (alpha hydroxyl acids) are effective anti aging agents. Major brands like L'Oreal, Vichy and Garnier have their own range of anti aging products.

In addition to using anti aging products, make sure that you exercise regularly, eat a low-oil balanced diet, and drink at least 10-12 glasses of water each day. Include lots of fresh fruits, nuts, green leafy vegetables, fish like salmon, and dry fruits like almonds, walnuts and raisins in your diet. Do not forget to include olive oil. Use a combination of Yoga and Pilates for your daily fitness routine. Avoid alcohol and tobacco as far as possible. Make sure that you get enough sleep and practice meditation. Learn to relax and enjoy life. Happiness and peace of mind are the best anti-aging products that you can get.

Active ingredients used in Anti Aging Products

The anti aging products contain different kinds of active ingredients that work properly all over the skin to address on the problem of aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines. Some of the popular active ingredients found in anti aging products are:

    Vitamin C: Many research and scientific studies have proved that Vitamin C has helped in making the skin to fight with age spots and other kin problems. It provides the skin with lightening skin. With regular use of Vitamin C enriched products skin pigmentation problems like freckles. Vitamin C aids in proper and healthy production of collagen. Collagen is very important for skin as it helps in tightening and strengthening skin.

    Vitamin E: One of the skin aspects that contribute in aging signs is the movement of free radicals. Regular use of Vitamin E enriched cream or lotion diminishes or neutralizes free radical present of skin cells. Vitamin E also helps in making the skin smooth and soft. Vitamin E is also known for reducing stretch marks and scars very quickly.

    Coenzyme Q10 or Co-Q 10: This active ingredient has been used in different skin care products. It is enriched with anti-oxidant properties that help in fighting with harmful free radicals that contribute to quick aging process. It also helps in quickly repairing the damage of skin and encourages in healthy regeneration of skin cells.

Popular Anti Aging Products

There are products like Prevage cream (you need a prescription for buying this), Skinceuticals CE Ferulic Acid serum, Retin-A, chemical peels (you need a trained dermatologist or a trained cosmetologist for a chemical peel treatment) that help in keeping your skin firm. One of the major causes of the appearance of wrinkles is over exposure to the sun.


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